
Hi, welcome to my profile 👋

  • 🤔 I am Jiawei Jiang, a graduate student at the School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, China (UTC+8).
  • 💡 I am also a member of Baidu PaddlePaddle Developers Experts (PPDE), a reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (IEEE TNNLS), and IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (IEEE TKDE).
  • 🌱 My research interests include Spatial-Temporal Data Mining, Graph Neural Networks, and Representation Learning.
  • 💪 I am the core developer of LibCity, an open-source library for Urban Spatial-temporal Data Mining. The paper LibCity: An Open Library for Traffic Prediction has been accepted for the 29th [ACM SIGSPATIAL 2021] conference. Welcome to our [Code], [Paper], and [Website] for more details. We also publish a full paper for LibCity titled LibCity: A Unified Library Towards Efficient and Comprehensive Urban Spatial-Temporal Prediction, which provides more details.
  • 💪 We publish a paper titled Unified Data Management and Comprehensive Performance Evaluation for Urban Spatial-Temporal Prediction [Experiment, Analysis & Benchmark], including (1) a Unified Storage Format for urban spatial-temporal data, (2) a Technical Development Roadmap for urban spatial-temporal prediction models, (3) Extensive Experiments and Performance Evaluation using 18 models and 20 datasets. [Paper].
  • 🚀 Our paper titled Self-supervised Trajectory Representation Learning with Temporal Regularities and Travel Semantics has been accepted for the 39th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering [ICDE 2023] conference (CCF A). [Paper], [Code]. Rank: 1/ 6.
  • 🚀 Our paper titled PDFormer: Propagation Delay-aware Dynamic Long-range Transformer for Traffic Flow Prediction has been accepted for the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence [AAAI 2023] conference (CCF A). [Paper], [Code]. Rank: 1/ 4.
  • 🎉 We rank 11th in the Regular track of the Baidu KDD Cup 2022 for Spatial Dynamic Wind Power Forecasting Challenge. The paper has been accepted for [ACM SIGKDD Workshop 2022] conference. [Paper] [Code].
  • 🎉 We rank 6th in the ACM RecSys Challenge 2023 for Advertising Installation Prediction Challenge. [Paper], [Code].
  • 🎉 We rank 3th in the iFLYTEK A.I. Developer Competition 2022 for Urban Road Traffic Flow Forecasting Challenge. [Code].
  • ⚡ Languages and environments: Python, Pytorch.
  • 😇 Pronouns: He/Him/His.
  • 🎓 Link to my Google Scholar and Blog.
  • 📫 Reach me by email: jwjiang@buaa.edu.cn.

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